About us

FightersRec or FightersRec.com is a website mainly dedicated to keep updated the records of the Amateur, ProAm and Professional fighters, in male and female categories.

The main purpose of this page is to keep track of the fights record and pugilistic history of all fighters at Professional and ProAm level.

Also to give the option to register Professional Promoters and Organizations.


FightersRec will be updated with the collaboration of Official Editors, Official Promoters and National and International Organizations from many countries around the world.

FightersRec will be updated in the different disciplines (Boxing, Full-Contact, Kick Boxing - k1 - Muay Thai and MMA) and in the sections as Promoters, Referees and Organizations.

The results of the fighting will be record-keeping as long as the events are organised by Professional Promoters or Official National and International Organisations.

The task of the Promoters and the Organizations will be to send the acts of the combats with the information and the official results to FightersRec Central, contributing with posters, videos, photos, etc.

FightersRec has registers of professional Promoters, it also has a register of Official National and International Organizations.

It also has a Register of Official Referees belonging to National and International Organisations, with their corresponding register of refereed matches.

Registration Rules

The Promoters and the Official Organizations may act separately, 10 days before the event, they have to send a preview of the complete poster of the event, as well as the Act of Combats.

After the event, the official results of the event will be sent in the same format, attaching photos and video plus the documentation of each fighter.